Bouncing Forward | Episode 2: Being Authentic

Explore how you can frame discussions positively to create open conversations with your child.

How to Help Your Child Make Friends (and Keep Them)

Support your child make friends, cope with falling out, and when to worry about friendships.

5 Reasons to Prioritise Playing With Your Child

Find out 5 important ways play can help your child’s development and bring you closer together as a family

5 Ways to Enjoy Spending Time as a Family

Simple ways to make spending time together something everyone looks forward to.

5 Ways to Support Your Teen Through a Breakup

Everything you need to know to support your teen through their heartbreak.

10 Ways to Talk to Your Teenager

Stop arguing and start communicating with your teenager using these simple tips.

Helping Your Child With Friendship Breakups

Simple tips to help you support your child when a friendship breaks down.

How to Support With Teenage Relationships

Explore the tricky work of teenage relationships and find out how you can support your child as they start dating.

Positive About Behaviour | Lauren Duffy

In this episode, Clare dives into behaviour and the importance of positivity…

Behaviour & Attendance | Lucy Flower

Clare talks with expert Lucy Flower about school attendance and behaviour…

Refer A Friend

Refer a friend to My Family Coach to help them find the advice they’re looking for.