Understanding School Non-Attendance

Understand why your child feels they can’t go to school with helpful ideas to best support them

How to Build a Strong Relationship With School | Dr Emma Kell & Clemmie Stewart

Join our expert guests as they discuss ways you can build a strong relationship with your child’s school

How to Help Your Child With Bullying

This guide helps you spot the signs your child’s being bullied and how to support them.

Understanding Anxious Feelings and How to Help

Understand why your child has anxious feelings and simple ways to help them cope with worries

Getting the Most From My Family Coach

Find out more about the free resources My Family Coach has to offer and how to find everything you need

What Happens If My Child Gets Into Trouble at School? | Anthony Benedict

Anthony Benedict talks about suspensions and exclusions from school and the work of pupil referral units

ADHD & Anxiety Part 2 | Dr Claire Conlon

Join Claire as she talks about triggers for anxiety in children with ADHD and ways you can best support

ADHD & Anxiety Part 1 | Dr Claire Conlon

Join Claire as she explains what ADHD is with practical ideas for you to reduce your child’s stress and anxiety

Celebrating Neurodiversity Part 2 | Mica Coleman Jones

Mica discusses how we can meet individual needs both at home and in the classroom, and the importance of celebrating neurodiversity

7 Positive Ways to Talk to Your Child’s School

These 7 tips will help you build a strong relationship with your child’s primary school

Refer A Friend

Refer a friend to My Family Coach to help them find the advice they’re looking for.